Every year I go to the fair and spin my yarn and enter something to be judged. This year it was a challenge to spin a batch of wool that was split up between various people and to card, spin and make something from the yarn. Well not everyone completed the challenge by the time of the fair, but it worked out perfectly for the display. There was a example for every stage of the making of it there...I did finish a project...I called it my Cat Coaster ...anywhere it sits a cat will lay on it...saving my poor couches :)
September 2010 ~ Triston and I went to the Enchanted Acres Ranch in Benton City and spent the day enjoying the farm and animals and demonstrating the art of spinning Alpaca fleece.
Triston and I took turns spinning various colors of fleece, Trison's favorite is a miked colored Grey rose color that when finished looks a bit lavender.
There were lots of Alpaca's mommys and babies, they are so cute to see frolicing in the fields. It was such a joy to spend the weekend there.